And it will be quick. When scanning through earlier entries, I cringe somewhat over the writing. It’s too, how do you say, wordy. Like, way too wordy. Nowadays, it’s a little embarrassing I wrote at such great lengths about what I was doing September 2009-January 2010, and in such a verbose manner. It seems a bit… Continue Reading
Category Archives: Odds ‘n’ Sodds
Subscribe to Odds ‘n’ Sodds RSS FeedMemories From a Time That Never Was
I remember those summers up on the high-line ranch, where Pa would toil in the forge all day — his calloused hands blackened with soot — and Ma would busy herself with the housework. There was no counter top too clean, no floor too spotless, that wouldn’t pass her scrutiny unscathed. The kids — Suzie Mae,… Continue Reading
A Cornucopia of Music Happenings: Thanksgiving Edition, 2014
I’ll admit it: I’ve been off the radar for some time now. It wasn’t anybody’s fault–including my own–so this post will not be about dishing out the blame. Rather, this post will be a celebration of what has been, what is now at the moment currently, and what looms over the horizon–a horizon filled with… Continue Reading
“(Eo) + Zibo I.13” — A Love Story for the Ages
In the interest of preventing this blog from collecting too much dust in my post-Newsfeed-Anxiety life, here is a little gem I wrote in 2010 for a theatre class, the same class that produced the now-famous How My Parents Met: Special 30th Anniversary Edition post. The assignment was to re-imagine Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, providing… Continue Reading
How My Parents Met: Special 30th Anniversary Edition
On this day 30 years ago, Thomas Andrew Miller and Kaliope Skevofylax Zembillas were wedded at Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral in Merriville, Ind. Accounts of the traditional Greek Orthodox ceremony — one that involves the bride and bridegroom to make three processions around the marriage altar, all the while wearing golden crowns much like… Continue Reading
A Midsummer Night’s Blog Roundup, or A Well-Reasoned Explanation as to Why I Haven’t Been Blogging
Staind frontman Aaron Lewis said it best in the group’s 2001 mega-smash, miser-groaner-drop-tuning-sludge-rock trudge, “It’s Been Awhile,” when he sang (over, and over, and over), “It’s been awhile.” When reflecting on these words in the context of this blog, truly, it’s been a while … since I pressed the publish button. Not long after my… Continue Reading
A Tale of Two Steve Millers: May 9 @ the Hopvine Pub
In Pink Floyd’s masterful “Echoes,” guitarist David Gilmour and keyboardist Richard Wright harmonize to Roger Waters’ always-astute-and-imaginative lyrics, the beginning of the second verse particularly so. The video is cued to that exact moment, but just in case you’re not up to watching the centerpiece of the band’s Pompeii performance, those lyrics are: Strangers passing… Continue Reading